Nomination Form for Officers and Committee, 2020
Candidate’s Name** (Please print): …………………………………………………………….
Position (please circle)
Chairman Vice Chairman
Secretary Treasurer
Committee member
Candidate’s Address: …………………………….
I agree to be nominated as an Officer/Committee member of the Residents Association**
Candidate’s Signature: …………………………………..…
Proposer’s Name** (Please print): …………………
Proposer’s Address ….…………………………
Signature: ……………….
Seconder’s Name** (Please print): …….…….
Seconder’s Address ………………………….
Signature: ………………….
** The candidate and the Proposer and Seconder must be members of the Association and be resident in the Association’s area as defined in Section 3.1 of the Association’s Statutes.
Would you be willing to help with the work of the Association ? Please tick any that you can help in :
Delivery of Newsletters Advice on privately owned trees
Planting trees, shrubs and bulbs Picking up litter
Simple catering at events and garden parties Acting as ‘street champion’ for your street, for example
Hosting a Garden Party helping to clear the street of parked cars on days when
Watering trees the Borough Council cleaning teams need to work Name of member ………………………..Signature …………………………………….
Please print off and send this completed form and (if appropriate) membership payment to the Membership Secretary, Jonathan Moffitt (SP&JARA, 35 Gratton Road, Cheltenham GL50 2BT), or bring it to the AGM.
Candidate’s Name** (Please print): …………………………………………………………….
Position (please circle)
Chairman Vice Chairman
Secretary Treasurer
Committee member
Candidate’s Address: …………………………….
I agree to be nominated as an Officer/Committee member of the Residents Association**
Candidate’s Signature: …………………………………..…
Proposer’s Name** (Please print): …………………
Proposer’s Address ….…………………………
Signature: ……………….
Seconder’s Name** (Please print): …….…….
Seconder’s Address ………………………….
Signature: ………………….
** The candidate and the Proposer and Seconder must be members of the Association and be resident in the Association’s area as defined in Section 3.1 of the Association’s Statutes.
Would you be willing to help with the work of the Association ? Please tick any that you can help in :
Delivery of Newsletters Advice on privately owned trees
Planting trees, shrubs and bulbs Picking up litter
Simple catering at events and garden parties Acting as ‘street champion’ for your street, for example
Hosting a Garden Party helping to clear the street of parked cars on days when
Watering trees the Borough Council cleaning teams need to work Name of member ………………………..Signature …………………………………….
Please print off and send this completed form and (if appropriate) membership payment to the Membership Secretary, Jonathan Moffitt (SP&JARA, 35 Gratton Road, Cheltenham GL50 2BT), or bring it to the AGM.