Minutes of the 14th Annual General Meeting of the Association,
held on Thursday 6th June 2019 at the Beehive pub, Montpellier Villas
1. Welcome and Introduction
The meeting was chaired by Clair Chilvers (Chairman). She welcomed everyone to the meeting, being held in the Beehive pub upper room after the sale of Church House.
Apologies were received from Councillor Dilys Barrell and Roy Arnold, and Diana Pollock who could only attend briefly (Committee members).
About 40 members attended the meeting.
The proposed Agenda for the meeting was approved.
2. Minutes of the 13th Annual General Meeting
The draft Minutes of the meeting held on 6th June 2018 had been circulated and were available on the website. It was unanimously agreed by the meeting that the Minutes should be approved as a true and correct record.
3. Chair’s Report on the work of the Association over the last year
- Membership and committee activity
SPJARA had 155 members in 2018/19, which was a very welcome 50% increase on the year before, thanks to the successful membership drive since the last AGM. There were 13 members on the Committee (including the two local Councillors), and the Committee had met 4 times since the last AGM.
Two Newsletters had been circulated to everyone in the area since the last AGM, (thanks to Hugh Curran who put the Newsletter together and Hugh Arthur who organised the distribution).
The website was an important source of information on SPJARA events and was receiving about 700 visits a week (thanks to Adrian Phillips and Hugh Curran).
Social Events
• June 2018: Afternoon Jazz party in Roger and Marie Owen’s garden - with many thanks to Roger and Marie, and remembering Roger’s sad death in December. £150 was raised for the Chamwell Centre.
• November 2018: Wine Tasting in Church House with Tom I’Anson
• February 2019: Charity Dinner at Spice Lodge - £605 raised for Cheltenham Hospital scanner appeal and the local Family Space. (Note - This had led to Family Space subsequently receiving a substantial community grant from GCC funds).arch 2019:
• April 2019: Visit to Gloucester Cathedral, including tour of library and crypt and tea in the Monk’s Kitchen
The following social events were planned for the year ahead:
• 16 June 2019 – Open Gardens day, 15 local gardens open in aid of National Star, organised by Diana Pollock
• 23 June 2019 Summer Jazz Party (afternoon tea party in the Clarkes’ garden at 97 Painswick Rd)
• Autumn quiz evening, November 2019
• Spice Lodge fund-raising dinner – spring 2020
Regular tasks
- CBC’s weekly sets of planning proposals were reviewed by Adrian Phillips – any comments were then agreed by committee and sent to CBC. The most notable issue last year was the unsuitable proposals for development at 99 Painswick Rd. We opposed them, and the scheme was withdrawn. A revised proposal, which we also objected to, was approved.
- CBC’s weekly sets of tree works proposals were reviewed by John Paterson– any comments were then agreed by committee and sent to CBC.
- Annual Street cleaning – Roy Arnold organised the cooperation with UBICO to keep the streets free of parked cars when the streets were cleaned in late autumn.
Local Activities last year
- Norwood Triangle: As well as routine clipping and weeding, SPJARA ensured the bench damaged by a van parking on the Triangle was repaired by CBC, and got agreement from Glos Highways that more protection from vehicles would be provided by planting two new trees and reordering the bollards.
- Two other corners, the “Andover Rd triangle” and “Ashford Rd rectangle” were weeded and planted.
- Refreshing of Bath Road utility boxes: 25 boxes from Norwood Arms to Suffolk Rd lights were re-painted where necessary and new boxes painted, with Cheltenham College added as one of the funding partners, along with SPJARA, the Naunton Area Residents’ Association and the Council.
- Nearly all the 50 trees planted in the last few years in the SPJARA area were flourishing.
- The Chair asked Cllr Tim Harman to provide an update on three issues concerning traffic and roads where action is still awaited. Cllr Harman reported that:
20 MPH proposals: SPJARA had been in favour of these proposals from CBC and GCC, but there had been no progress so far in implementing them.
On-street parking : the consultation on residents’ views on a parking zone extension into the Park area promised by GCC for 2019 would probably now take place in 2020, at the same time as the consultation on parking in the Tivoli area.
Yellow lines round corners: Following the completion of all the legal processes, these would probably be painted on the most dangerous corners in late summer 2019.
4. Treasurer’s report on the Association’s finances for the year ending 31 March 2019
Jonathan Moffitt, Treasurer, presented the accounts as shown attached to these Minutes. At 31 March 2019 there was a balance of £2,299.86, compared to £2,005.01 at the start of the year. A total of £855.00 had been donated to charities, and £472.27 spent on environmental improvements.
The report was welcomed and approved by those present.
5. Election of Honorary Officers and Committee Members
The Hon Secretary said that new officers and committee members were always welcome, but none had been nominated this year.
- all the current officers (Chairman, two Vice-Chairmen, Hon Treasurer and Hon Secretary) had been nominated and were willing to serve for a further year.
- all the other members of the Committee had also been nominated and were willing to stand again.
The Chairman sought the meeting’s agreement to election en bloc of the following officers and Committee members, which was agreed nem con.
Name Position
Clair Chilvers -Chairman
Maurice Gran and Vanessa Angelo-Thomson - Vice Chairmen(joint)
Jonathan Moffitt- Treasurer
Cassandra Phillips Secretary
Committee elected:
Roy Arnold
Hugh Arthur
Dilys Barrell
Hugh Curran
Tim Harman
John Paterson
Adrian Phillips
Diana Pollock Treasurer and MembershipSecretary
Minutes of the 14th Annual General Meeting of the Association,
held on Thursday 6th June 2019 at the Beehive pub, Montpellier Villas
1. Welcome and Introduction
The meeting was chaired by Clair Chilvers (Chairman). She welcomed everyone to the meeting, being held in the Beehive pub upper room after the sale of Church House.
Apologies were received from Councillor Dilys Barrell and Roy Arnold, and Diana Pollock who could only attend briefly (Committee members).
About 40 members attended the meeting.
The proposed Agenda for the meeting was approved.
2. Minutes of the 13th Annual General Meeting
The draft Minutes of the meeting held on 6th June 2018 had been circulated and were available on the website. It was unanimously agreed by the meeting that the Minutes should be approved as a true and correct record.
3. Chair’s Report on the work of the Association over the last year
- Membership and committee activity
SPJARA had 155 members in 2018/19, which was a very welcome 50% increase on the year before, thanks to the successful membership drive since the last AGM. There were 13 members on the Committee (including the two local Councillors), and the Committee had met 4 times since the last AGM.
Two Newsletters had been circulated to everyone in the area since the last AGM, (thanks to Hugh Curran who put the Newsletter together and Hugh Arthur who organised the distribution).
The website was an important source of information on SPJARA events and was receiving about 700 visits a week (thanks to Adrian Phillips and Hugh Curran).
Social Events
• June 2018: Afternoon Jazz party in Roger and Marie Owen’s garden - with many thanks to Roger and Marie, and remembering Roger’s sad death in December. £150 was raised for the Chamwell Centre.
• November 2018: Wine Tasting in Church House with Tom I’Anson
• February 2019: Charity Dinner at Spice Lodge - £605 raised for Cheltenham Hospital scanner appeal and the local Family Space. (Note - This had led to Family Space subsequently receiving a substantial community grant from GCC funds).arch 2019:
• April 2019: Visit to Gloucester Cathedral, including tour of library and crypt and tea in the Monk’s Kitchen
The following social events were planned for the year ahead:
• 16 June 2019 – Open Gardens day, 15 local gardens open in aid of National Star, organised by Diana Pollock
• 23 June 2019 Summer Jazz Party (afternoon tea party in the Clarkes’ garden at 97 Painswick Rd)
• Autumn quiz evening, November 2019
• Spice Lodge fund-raising dinner – spring 2020
Regular tasks
- CBC’s weekly sets of planning proposals were reviewed by Adrian Phillips – any comments were then agreed by committee and sent to CBC. The most notable issue last year was the unsuitable proposals for development at 99 Painswick Rd. We opposed them, and the scheme was withdrawn. A revised proposal, which we also objected to, was approved.
- CBC’s weekly sets of tree works proposals were reviewed by John Paterson– any comments were then agreed by committee and sent to CBC.
- Annual Street cleaning – Roy Arnold organised the cooperation with UBICO to keep the streets free of parked cars when the streets were cleaned in late autumn.
Local Activities last year
- Norwood Triangle: As well as routine clipping and weeding, SPJARA ensured the bench damaged by a van parking on the Triangle was repaired by CBC, and got agreement from Glos Highways that more protection from vehicles would be provided by planting two new trees and reordering the bollards.
- Two other corners, the “Andover Rd triangle” and “Ashford Rd rectangle” were weeded and planted.
- Refreshing of Bath Road utility boxes: 25 boxes from Norwood Arms to Suffolk Rd lights were re-painted where necessary and new boxes painted, with Cheltenham College added as one of the funding partners, along with SPJARA, the Naunton Area Residents’ Association and the Council.
- Nearly all the 50 trees planted in the last few years in the SPJARA area were flourishing.
- The Chair asked Cllr Tim Harman to provide an update on three issues concerning traffic and roads where action is still awaited. Cllr Harman reported that:
20 MPH proposals: SPJARA had been in favour of these proposals from CBC and GCC, but there had been no progress so far in implementing them.
On-street parking : the consultation on residents’ views on a parking zone extension into the Park area promised by GCC for 2019 would probably now take place in 2020, at the same time as the consultation on parking in the Tivoli area.
Yellow lines round corners: Following the completion of all the legal processes, these would probably be painted on the most dangerous corners in late summer 2019.
4. Treasurer’s report on the Association’s finances for the year ending 31 March 2019
Jonathan Moffitt, Treasurer, presented the accounts as shown attached to these Minutes. At 31 March 2019 there was a balance of £2,299.86, compared to £2,005.01 at the start of the year. A total of £855.00 had been donated to charities, and £472.27 spent on environmental improvements.
The report was welcomed and approved by those present.
5. Election of Honorary Officers and Committee Members
The Hon Secretary said that new officers and committee members were always welcome, but none had been nominated this year.
- all the current officers (Chairman, two Vice-Chairmen, Hon Treasurer and Hon Secretary) had been nominated and were willing to serve for a further year.
- all the other members of the Committee had also been nominated and were willing to stand again.
The Chairman sought the meeting’s agreement to election en bloc of the following officers and Committee members, which was agreed nem con.
Name Position
Clair Chilvers -Chairman
Maurice Gran and Vanessa Angelo-Thomson - Vice Chairmen(joint)
Jonathan Moffitt- Treasurer
Cassandra Phillips Secretary
Committee elected:
Roy Arnold
Hugh Arthur
Dilys Barrell
Hugh Curran
Tim Harman
John Paterson
Adrian Phillips
Diana Pollock Treasurer and MembershipSecretary
For the Accounts click here accounts_2019-2020.pdf