A meeting has been arranged for SPJARA with the key Parking and Traffic Regulation Officers at Gloucestershire County Council for May 30th (see previous post).
Yesterday May 1st, SPJARA held a meeting with Councillor Nigel Moor, GCC Cabinet Member responsible for Fire, Planning & Infrastructure. The meeting was arranged and chaired by Councillor Tim Harman, Councillor for Lansdown & Park.
The meeting was a very positive one. Both councillors fully appreciated the survey results and the underlying issues. Councillor Moor thanked SPJARA for the thorough, objective and good-natured way in which the survey had been conducted. It was also noted that the previous detailed Parking consultation process carried out in 2012 could well provide a very cost-effective and speedy way forward. Next, SPJARA will, in late May, meet with the County Council’s Parking and Traffic Regulation Officers. That meeting will allow us to discuss details in order to build an accurate set of ‘Next Steps’ for all parties to take. In summary, we are now making excellent progress towards our goal of getting Gloucestershire County Council to initiate the formal consultation process with us. In the light of the clear expression of opinion by the great majority of those who took part in the survey, our Chairperson, Clair Chilvers today wrote to Cllr. Nigel Moor. The letter makes a formal request that the Council take the necessary steps to consult local residents more formally on how to deal with the problem of on-street parking through a Parking Permit Scheme. Councillor Moor was provided with the background and the survey results.
Clair reiterated that SPJARA is neutral on this issue. She also referenced the considerable amount of work that was carried out by GCC on a Parking Permit Scheme in 2012/13, expressing the hope that it should provide an excellent starting point and should reduce significantly the costs of the consultation exercise. We await the Councillor's response which we will detail here when received The Parking Survey was closed on its deadline date of February 22nd. The results are available here
TIMELINE OF PARKING PROGRESSHere you will find all updates to the Parking Issues in date order. This page was started on 22nd February 2018, the closing date of the Parking Survey. |